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Posts published in “Club Meetings”

July meeting POTA presentation.

At the July club meeting Lisa, KC1YL, presented her POTA Operation, Setup, and Techniques. Learn about the many options for setting up and parks to work from.  Check out the video link below.

Watch video

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Friday, Feb 2 is Home Brew Night!

SPARC members! Friday, Feb 2 is Home Brew Night! Let Carol – AB4YI, SPARC VP know what you have for the Show-and-Tell. Any radio project is acceptable – radio mods, antennas, go boxes, solar & batteries, rare QSL cards, etc.

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“Fill up your propagation toolbox” by Glenn, N4GRC, presented at the Jan 5th, 2024 SPARC meeting.


This presentation given by Glenn, N4GRC followed last month’s presentation by NZ1Q on “The Sun and HF Propagation”, this presentation discusses tools to use that can help us with solar weather, propagation and DX predictions

Download the PowerPoint slides here: Propagation Tools Slides

Watch the video here

Tune in to the SPARC nightly net for the latest numbers on our repeater (Nightly SPARC Net 6:30 pm, SPARC Repeater 147.060, pre-net @ 6 pm), via EchoLink (NZ1Q-L), or on as WA4AKH

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“The Sun and HF Radio Propagation” by Ed, NZ1Q, presented at the Dec 1, 2023 SPARC meeting.


This second presentation given by Ed, NZ1Q followed last month’s presentation by KC4SXO on “What the Numbers Mean.”  The Dec presentation discusses how the sun’s activity affects radio wave propagation on Earth.

View Ed’s presentation on the SPARC YouTube page:  HERE

Download the PowerPoint slides:  The Sun & HF Propagation

Tune in to the SPARC nightly net for the latest numbers on our repeater (Nightly SPARC Net 6:30 pm, SPARC Repeater 147.060, pre-net @ 6 pm), via EchoLink (NZ1Q-L), or on as WA4AKH

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“What do the Numbers Mean” by Bob, KC4SXO. Presented at the Nov 3, 2023 SPARC meeting.

On the nightly SPARC net (6:30 pm SPARC Repeater 147.060, St Petersburg, FL) Bob presents the Solar forecast for the day. He runs through the published numbers for the sun’s activity and subsequent radio conditions on Earth. This presentation describes what the numbers really mean. 

View Bob’s presentation HERE

Download the PowerPoint slides:  What Do The Numbers Mean title page (1)

Tune in to the SPARC net on the repeater, or via EchoLink (NZ1Q-L), or on as WA4AKH

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