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Open the latest SPARC Gap Newsletter!

Thanks to Bruce, KF4TYA, the newsletter editor, the latest SPARC Gap contains club and member activities, including member builds, antenna activities, meeting pictures and notes, and club presentations. Click on the link below.

SPARC Newsletter v2n1-Apr 2024

Create your own submission and send it to Bruce for possible inclusion in an upcoming newsletter.

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July meeting POTA presentation.

At the July club meeting Lisa, KC1YL, presented her POTA Operation, Setup, and Techniques. Learn about the many options for setting up and parks to work from.  Check out the video link below.

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SPARC Field Day Results & Video

The 2024 SPARC Field Day was attended by 47 Hams, guests and visitors. Twenty two individuals operated and shared in reaching 1924 QSOs. The breakdown of QSOs was 800 on phone, 671 on CW and 453 on FT8. The Club’s total submitted score was 6,796 with 6096 points attributed to contacts and 700 bonus points for items such as media publicity, sending formal messages, copying the ARRL Field Day message, and site visits by an elected official. The picnic lunch/dinner event was enjoyed by all who attended. Over all, Field … Click for more

Field Day – Late Lunch and Early Dinner for All Members

Field Day Picnic for SPARC Members/Guests: A volunteer has been found to cater picnic food from 2:00pm to 6:00pm Saturday June 22nd. The menu includes hot dogs with all the fixins, potato salad, cold slaw and sodas. Given the weather forecast, food will be served inside DMI. Bring some chips or cookies to share if you can.

Your Help is Needed: One person can’t work alone. So we still need some volunteers to set up tables and chairs. Volunteers should show up around 1:15 – 1:30 pm and some evening … Click for more

Join Field Day at SPARC, June 22-23

The St. Petersburg Amateur Radio Club will hold its annual ARRL Field Day 2024 operating event from Saturday, June 22, 2024, through Sunday, June 23, 2024. The Field Day activities will commence at 14:00 local time on 6/22 and end at 16:59 local time on 6/23.
Field Day is an important and fun annual event for the Amateur Radio Community. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) has been holding it annually every June since 1933. This will be the ARRL’s 91st Annual Field Day event.
Field Day is a
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