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Homebrew Night on February 7th

For the last few years, SPARC has held Homebrew Night in February. No, we are not talking about beer. In a long tradition, Homebrew in Amateur Radio is the things you craft yourself that you find useful in some aspect of radio. This is an evening where club members can show the projects they have built over the past year. The loose definition of homebrew equipment is something you built from scratch or a piece of gear you modified to suit your purpose. It can be an antenna project, a useful accessory, a piece of software (yes, radio-related software counts as homebrew), some modification and others. We usually get a good assortment of gear so if you have something you have come up with (or even a kit you built from plans), you are welcome to participate.

The way this works is at the February 7, 2020 club meeting, we take the allotted time (usually 45 minutes), and divide it up by the number of people that wish to show something. You each get that amount of time to show us what you have. Bring your presentation on a thumbdrive to display on the TV screens. Some projects like antenna projects cannot travel well so pictures and whatever you have that will show the club what you did are fine. If you can bring your project to pass around and let members see it, all the better. So, now is your chance to put the finishing touches on your latest project.

If you plan to show something at Homebrew Night, please let Lisa KC1YL or Pat AA0O know about your project as soon as you can so we can get a count and schedule time.

*Thanks to Ed, NZ1Q for the original article for homebrew night.

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