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SPARC Executive Board Meeting – 2023-08-15

Called to order at 17:10



Pat AA0O

Charles W4BPP

Dave KR4U

John t KI4UIP

Richard AA2MF

Dee N4GD

Lisa KC1YL

Will W7WMS


Tom W4CU

Carol AB4YI



  1. Club must evaluate use of ARRL logo as use for marketing or within our own logo is not approved. We will take the feedback under advisement.
  2. Update on tower winch motor. Progress continues. Once all parts are ready, a call for volunteers will go out.
  3. Noise remains an issue on 40m vertical dipole antenna at the club station. Strategies were discussed
  4. a discussion of the park for the sparc-fest (which is November 11th)
    1. Charles will get
      1. Ice
      2. Paper towels
      3. Dunkin donuts
      4. Snacks
    2. Dave
      1. Coffee
    3. John
      1. Generator for printer
    4. Pat
      1. Tent etc
  5. We will participate in NAQP
  6. A discussion of our rent etc at DMI and recognizing the value of this location
  7. The next board meeting is November 21st and is open to all.



Meeting is adjourned at 17:47

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