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Posts published in “Repeaters”

Field Day Bonus Points – Chairperson desperately needed

As Field Day gets closer, we still need a person to head up the Bonus Points committee. Again, you DO NOT need to do all these things. You only need to coordinate who is doing them. For example, a satellite contact yields bonus points. Tom, NY4I does that every year—with much help from all— so you only need to check with Tom that he has it covered. Same goes for the NTS messages. Zoltan has helped out in the past sending those. You just need to coordinate this among the … Click for more

440MHz Repeater to require CTCSS (PL) Tone

Due to the severe intermodulation problem experienced by our 440MHz repeater, the engineering team has determined we need to add a Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System (CTCSS) to the repeater input. CTCSS, also knows as a Private Line (PL) tone will prevent the repeater from re-transmitting signals that do not contain this tone.

Once activated, all radios desiring to access the SPARC 440MHz repeater MUST transmit a 146.2Hz tone to activate the repeater.

Repeater tone access will be added in the near future, so program your radios now to be ready … Click for more

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